Yellow-throated toucan

formally known as chestnut-mantibled toucan

Blue-crowned Motmot

Blue-crowned Motmot

White-necked jacobin

On the roads in Costa Rica

View from the lodge

Meadow view

Baltimore Oriole

Baltimore Oriole

female or juvenile?

Blue-crowned Motmot

Crested owl

Heliconius sara

Collared aracari

golden-hooded tanager

female chestnut sided warbler

Black and White Warbler

monarch butterfly

this one stays in costa rica

Gray-headed Chachalaca


white necked jacobin

Green-breasted Mango female

Great Egret

Green ibis

Bare-throated Tiger-Heron

purple gallinule

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron

Boat-billed Heron

Bare-throated Tiger-heron

Keel billed Toucan

White-tipped Dove

Yellow-faced Grassquit

Rufous Motmot

Keel-billed toucan

pale-billed woodpecker

Gartered Trogon